News 2018

The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) organized the 1st Technical Scientific Conference on “Bread Biotechnology in the century XXI”, in which outstanding Spanish researchers and entrepreneurs participated. More information in the following link: Information

November, 2018

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Several activities were organised during 12-13/NOV/2018 on the occasion of the Week of Science

November, 2018

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El IBFG, a joint research center between CSIC/USAL, is accreditated as acreditado Excellence Unit by the "Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León" to carry out the Strategic Programme funded through the call "Escalera de Excelencia" and cofunded by The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

October, 2018

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La Universidad de Salamanca a través del IBFG impulsa la vocación investigadora de los jóvenes ante la crisis antibiótica global causada por la multirresistencia en bacterias. Nota de prensa USAL

Marzo, 2018