News 2020
During the IBFG's Online Science Week 2020 four informative talks were organized for ESO/Bachillerato students. Below you can see the talks given by the researchers of the IBFG:
1. Talk by Dr. Marina Garcia Macia entitled "Recycling keeps us healthy".
2. Talk by Dr. María Delgado Esteban entitled "Scientific career: Motivation and reward".
3. Talk by Dr. Cristina Rodríguez González entitled "Stroke: Do we know what it is and how to beat it?".
4. Talk by Dr. Rubén Quintana Cabrera entitled "Manufacturing new neurons in the adult brain".
November, 2020
The European Researchers' Night is an event promoted by the European Commission that seeks to bring scientists closer to society. In Castilla y León, eight entities have joined together, including the CSIC and the University of Salamanca.
Researchers' Night program
The IBFG has organized a Microorganism Workshop that is aimed at children of all ages. Take pictures and send them to before 9/12/2020. We will give prizes. Here you can see the workshop:
November, 2020
On the occasion of the IBFG 2020 Science Week "Online", Dr. Beatriz Santos was interviewed by the radio program "Más De Uno Salamanca" from Ondacero.
You can listen to the interview from minute 44 in the following link:
November, 2020
On the occasion of the IBFG 2020 Science Week "Online", several activities have been organized. One of them is the virtual visit to the IBFG.
Visit our research center in a virtual way where you can discover all the spaces of the building with a small explanation in each of them. Access the virtual tour of the IBFG in the link below.
Virtual visit of the IBFG
November, 2020
In the European Corner of the European Night of the Researchers, the researchers of Castilla y León tell us some of their projects.
Dr. Ángeles Almeida, IBFG researcher, talks about her project PANA.
The main objective of this project is the development of a new strategy for the early detection of Alzheimer's.
More information in the youtube video.
November, 2020
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) has been participating in Science Week for several years. The activities will take place on 19th, 20th, 26th and 27th November. This year all the activities are online; some of them require previous registration.
- "Online Scavenger Hunt"
- Outreach talks for high school students
- Virtual visit to the IBFG (available at from November 20th)
More information in the poster.
November, 2020
Click here to download the posterLink to the new of Salamanca24horas
Link to the new of Salamancartvaldia
Link to the new of DICYT
Genetic variants found that condition the repair of neurons after a stroke.
A research by the Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG, a joint research center of CSIC and the University of Salamanca) and the Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL) in 'Science Advances' reveals genetic variants that condition the repair of neurons after a stroke. This discovery will make possible to determine whether a patient who has suffered a stroke has a good or a bad prognosis.
The article is the result of five years of work by the group led by Ángeles Almeida. Her team tries to identify the mechanisms that produce neuronal death after an ischemic stroke, the stroke that is produced by the obstruction of a blood vessel in the brain, as well as prognostic biomarkers in patients who have suffered it.
Octubre, 2020
Link al Artículo Científico
Link to the DICYT´s new
Link to Salud a Diario´s new
Professor Juan Pedro Bolaños' group is coordinating a research project at the University of Salamanca that, in collaboration with Dr. Giovanni Marsicano (Bordeaux), will identify the biochemical mechanism responsible for social interaction.
The scientific article Bolaños and Marsicano publish today in the journal Nature, carried out in a mouse, it is revealed that the mitochondria of astrocytes coordinate a complex network of molecular signals that allows neurons to modulate social interaction.
These findings are very relevant in Biology for different reasons. Thus, they represent the first direct demonstration that one of the behavioural side effects of cannabis abuse (e.g. social impairment) is due to an alteration of the brain energy metabolism. On the other hand, they reveal that the mitochondria of a specific type of non-neuronal nerve cells (astrocytes) coordinate a complex network of signals that allows them to communicate with neurons to control complex behavioural functions such as sociability.
July, 2020
Link to Scientific Article
Link to Norte del Castilla New
Link DICYT new
Link to Salud a Diario New
SEBBM participated in various events organised in homage to Margarita Salas, including the activities carried out by the IBFG on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
June, 2020
Noticia en la Web de la SEBBM
The Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) interviewed Dr. Olga Calvo about her research and professional career.
April, 2020
Más información
The Casa de las Conchas hosted the event 'Margarita Salas: the emotion of discovery'. Conducted by Enrique Viguera under the organization of the IBFG, it was the final act of the activities developed on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
In addition, the awards ceremony for the school drawing contest 'Women and Science. Pioneering Women Scientists. Margarita Salas'' was held.
March, 2020
Local Press ImageLocal Press Link
The third edition of the project MicroMundo@Salamanca begins. MicroMundo is an international citizen science project aimed at finding microorganisms that produce new antibiotics by exploring microbial biodiversity in soils around the planet. The project has two objectives:
- 1) To encourage research vocations in young students
- 2) To disseminate and raise awareness about the problem of the antibiotic crisis
In Salamanca, this project is led by researchers from the Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG; CSIC/USAL). In this edition, 33 university students from the Faculty of Biology and about 120 students from ESO/Bachillerato from five educational centres (CESB) in Salamanca will participate: IES Peñaranda (Peñaranda de Bracamonte), IES Calixto y Melibea (Santa Marta de Tormes), IES Fray Luis de León, Colegio San Juan Bosco and Colegio Santa Teresa de Jesús.
This project is financed by the IBFG (CSIC/USAL), USAL (teaching innovation project USAL ID2019/036, Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, Faculty of Biology) and Thermofisher.
February, 2020
Click here to see the staff who leads the projectLocal Press New
Local Press New 2
Dr. Andrés Clemente-Blanco and Dr. Pedro San Segundo participated in the First International Congress of CABIMER "Trends in Genome Integrity & Chromosome Dynamics", organized by Dr. Andrés Aguilera and Dr. Pablo Huertas.
February, 2020
Click here to download the PDFThe Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) participates and organizes various activities on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science celebrated on 11F.
February, 2020
Click here to download the PDFDra. Martín-Castellanos has participated in an initiative of the subject "Didactics of Science" of the Faculty of Education of Segovia to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The activity consisted in telling the experience of several women scientists and the path they have taken to become a principal investigator of a research group.
February, 2020
On January 23rd and 24th, the symposium "Yeasts: at the intersection of systems biology and biomedicine" was held in Madrid in memory of Professor Julio Rodríguez Villanueva. Dr. Moreno, Dr. San Segundo and Dr. Vázquez de Aldana, researchers from the IBFG, participated in the symposium giving various talks.
January, 2020
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