News 2019
The IBFG carried out several activities during Science Week 2019. Science Week is the most important scientific dissemination activity at a national level and the final objective is to bring science closer to the general public, promote scientific knowledge and encourage the participation of society in the science developed in its cities. .
The activity "Talk with our researchers" was held at the IBFG and was a success. We hope the attendees enjoyed the activity.
November, 2019
Researchers from the IBFG, Dr Santos and Dr Diaz, who participate in the MicroWorld project, have been selected to participate in the I Conference on Good Quality Practices at the University of Salamanca.
November, 2019
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Nota Prensa Salamanca Rtv al Día
Dr. Marina García Macia, postdoctoral of Dr. Bolaños' group, discovers that the presence of MeCP2 protein is determinant in hepatic fibrosis, which without adequate treatment progresses towards cirrhosis, hepatic failure or liver cancer..
November, 2019
Salud a Diario New
Salamanca RTV al día New
The Science Week is the most important scientific dissemination activity at a national level and the main objective is to promote scientific knowledge and encourage the participation of society in science .
The IBFG has organised several activities such as dissemination seminars, workshops and yinkanas.
November, 2019
Click here to download the ProgrammeThe collaborative investigation between Dr. Almeida´s group and Dr. Fernandez Jaén ´s group (PI at Hospital Quironsalud of Madrid) has described a new genetic disorder clinically characterized by intellectual disability and epilepsy whose origin is a Fzr1 gene mutation.
September, 2019
More informationDr. Bolaños' group has successfully tested a new therapy in the laboratory that could revolutionize the treatment of some neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's or sclerosis, and even prevent them in some cases. So far, good results have been obtained in damage recovery caused by the stroke and experts believe that the results could be extrapolated.
August, 2019
More informationThe Mini Symposium "Cell Division and Genome Dynamics" will be held next July 16 at the Institute of Functional and Genomic Biology (IBFG).
Attendance to the event is free but registration is compulsory. The deadline to register ends on July 11th.
For any further information you can contact Julio Flecha García (
Texto noticia 1 2019 - July, 2019
Pulse aquí para ver el pdf de la noticiaThe project has involved 5 teachers and / or IBFG researchers, 32 undergraduate students, most of the Biology Degree, 7 teachers and 107 ESO and Bachillerato students from five schools in Salamanca: IES Senara (Babilafuente) , Concerted School Pizarrales, Calasanz School, IES Vaguada de la Palma, and San Estanislao School of Kostka. In addition, audiovisual material has been created thanks to the collaboration of 2 students of the Degree in Communication. This initiative has been funded by IBFG, University of Salamanca and ThermoFisher.
Results: 56 soil samples have been analyzed and 896 microorganisms have been isolated, 78 (8.7%) of these microorganisms are producers of antibiotics against any of the 6 non-pathogenic ESKAPE-like bacteria used in the project (similar to the pathogenic ESKAPE bacteria) and 8 (0.9%) produce antibiotics that kill 4 or more of them. We need to continue investigating to identify the microorganism and the antibiotic.
More information at the project website:
MicroMundo Web
May, 2019
This project has ended with a day of celebration where all the people who make it possible participate (institutions, students and teachers of Institutes, students of Degree and researchers / professors of IBFG). This day was chaired by the Vice Chancellor of Education of the USAL, the Institutional Delegate of the CSIC and the coordinator of the project in Salamanca. The conference consisted of a talk given by Bruno González-Zorn (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) on the problem of resistance to antibiotics, the explanation of the results obtained in the project and the delivery of diplomas to all participants.
MicroMundo (formerly SWI) seeks micro-organisms that produce new antibiotics, awareness of the global health problem posed by the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and, at the same time, fosters scientific vocations.
May, 2019
Pulse aquí para ver el pdf de la noticiaA workshop was organised for the general public at the IBFG about the resistance to antibiotics on the occasion of the closure of the SWI-MicroMundo 2019 project. This practical workshop was led by staff from IBFG and ThermoFisher (collaborator of the project in this edition). The problem of antibiotic resistance was explained, how to isolate bacteria from the soil and how to analyze if they are producing antibiotics was explained.
May, 2019
Pulse aquí para ver el pdf de la noticiaThe Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (CSIC), through the Institute of Functional and Genomic Biology (IBFG) participates as a partner, together with the University of Salamanca and Biome Makers, in the Project “Desarrollo de Microbiología Avanzada con propiedades diferenciadoras para la optimización de los procesos enológicos - INNOMICROVIN” (2018-2021)" which is led by BODEGA MATARROMERA SL and funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Universities and cofunde by FEDER Funds.
April, 2019
Pulse aquí para ver el pdf de la noticiaThe Dra. Tamame was invited to participate in the radio program "A vivir Castilla y León" (Cadena Ser CyL) to disseminate the projects which she participates whose final goals is the development of wines and breads of higher quality.
April 2019
The IBFG participates in the Small World Initiative (SWI). It is an international project of "Citizen Science" aimed at finding microorganisms that produce new antibiotics by exploring microbial biodiversity in soils. It has two objectives:
1. To promote research vocations
- 2. To disseminate the problem of the antibiotic crisis
March, 2019
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) organises several activities regarding the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
February, 2019
Pulse aquí para ver el pdf de la noticia