News 2022
Several IBFG researchers have participated in the 13th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Yeast Research Network (REDIL) presenting their latest results on transcription, DNA repair, cell division, protein trafficking and meiosis.
Click here to see the photo of the researchers who participated in the meeting
December, 2022
Bodega Matarromera has been recognized with the Innovation Award of the Wine Technology Platform 2022 in the category of R&D&I Project consortium with the "Innomicrovin" project, a recognition of its innovative activity, which values its R&D&I initiatives.
Project in which Dr. Tamame, IBFG researcher, has participated together with the University of Salamanca and the company Biomakers.
The project proposes to act on the bioprocesses of fermentation, biocontrol and lees lysing, through biotechnological solutions that use microbiological resources and tools, and that constitute an alternative to the use of chemical additives, and aims to obtain high quality and differentiated wines, through biotechnological solutions.
Matarromera New
December, 2022
Dr. Almeida and Dr. Bolaños organized the VII Annual Meeting of the Spanish Hypoxia Group at the IBFG during November 24-25, 2022.
November, 2022
Dr. Mercedes Tamame has received competitive funding from national and regional calls to carry out her research. The projects awarded have been:
1. Ministry of Science and Innovation Public-Private Collaboration Project
The project is entitled "Obtaining healthy breads of high nutritional quality with vegetable matrices, microbial inoculums and innovative technological processes", Reference: CPP2021-00859 and acronym NutriPanSalud.
The objective of the project is to contribute to increase the quality of bread in Spain and recover the sustainable consumption of this basic food, located at the base of the Mediterranean Diet, by obtaining new ranges of tasty and attractive breads, with nutritional profiles and health-promoting properties It is a consortium of several centers and national companies.
This call of the Ministry of Science and Innovation is aimed at fostering public-private collaboration in the field of R&D.
2. Ministry of Science and Innovation Proof of Concept Project
The project is entitled "Valorization of Weissella cibaria strains overproducing riboflavin and dextran to produce innovative breads with proven functional properties", Reference: PDC2022-133562-100 and acronym PANVITDEX.
The objective of PANVITDEX is to verify the functionality of breads made with dextran- and riboflavin-overproducing LAB isolated by IBFG from rye sourdoughs by means of dynamic digestion models, thus valorizing the food product and, through it, the W. cibaria strains protected by a CSIC patent (in which IBFG participates 50%). The aim is to analyze the bioaccessibility of vitamin B2, as well as the prebiotic and immunomodulatory potential of experimental breads made with sustainable, innovative and quality matrices by fermentation of bread doughs with BAL overproducers of riboflavin and dextran, combined with yeasts isolated and selected by the IBFG.
The call for grants for "Proof of Concept" projects 2022, aims to finance projects that accelerate the transfer of knowledge and results generated in research projects, in progress or recently completed of the National Plan.
3. Proyecto Prueba de Concepto del Plan T-CUE 2021-2023 de la Junta de CyL cofinanciado por FEDER
The project is entitled "Chickpea flours and own microbiota for innovation in healthy baking", Reference: PC_TCUE21-23_037 and acronym CICER4FOOD.
The objective of PC-CICER4FOOD is to isolate new strains of autochthonous yeasts and lactic acid bacteria from flours and sourdoughs of chickpea flours of some varieties of Castilla y León and/or other Autonomous Communities, to formulate starter cultures and innovative bakery products. The nutritional and functional properties of flours and fermented doughs will be evaluated, and allochthonous strains (isolated from other sourdoughs) will be used to obtain experimental and pilot bakery products, whose sensory and distinctive characteristics will be reported.
The purpose of this call is to promote clearly identified research results that allow the validation of the interest of an economic exploitation in our environment, to demonstrate its market potential or its economic viability, or even as a letter of introduction of such a result to a potentially interested company.
November, 2022
Dr. Tamame is part of the GIR "Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology" together with researchers from the Dept. of Microbiology and Genetics, USAL. On the occasion of St. Albert's Day, the following poster with the research carried out in the GIR has been exhibited in the hall of the Faculty of Biology.
November, 2022
LDr. Calvo, Director of the IBFG, was interviewed in the local newspaper "La Gaceta de Salamanca" where she emphasised that the medium-term objective of the IBFG is to obtain the seal of national excellence in research..
November, 2022
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) is once again celebrating Science Week. The activities will take place between 4th and 17th, November. This year we have organised several activities, some of which require prior registration..
1. Talk of Conchi Lillo, PhD.
Dr. Conchi Lillo will give a seminar entitled "Research and Communication" on 4th November at 12.30 p.m. in the IBFG Assembly Hall for the general public. Access is free.
2. Talk of Raúl Rivas, PhD.
Dr. Raúl Rivas will give a seminar entitled "Is it appropriate to decontextualise microbiology from the teaching and scientific spheres?" on 11th November at 12.30 pm in the IBFG Assembly Hall, aimed at the general public. Admission is free.
3. Photographic exhibition
The exhibition "The microbial world in 90 mm: bacteria, fungi and their interactions" will be open to the public in the Hall of the Dioscorides Building of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Salamanca from 2nd November until 11th November. Access is free from 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
4. Guided tour of the IBFG
Guided tour of the IBFG is aimed at students and students of the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Pharmacy. Prior registration is required, please contact Dr. Beatriz Santos ( to enquire about places. The activity will start at 12.10 pm in the IBFG Assembly Hall on 17th November 2022.
Dr Mercedes Tamame's group is also a member of the GIR "Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology" of the University of Salamanca. Her work at the IBFG will be exhibited at the Science Week, Edificio Dioscórides from 14 to 18 November 2022.
You can download/view the poster here.
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG), formerly the Institute of Biochemical Microbiology (IMB), celebrates the tenth anniversary of the opening of its new own headquarters after its move from the Departmental Building of the University of Salamanca.
On the occasion of the celebration of the 10th anniversary, several activities have been organised, the programme of which can be downloaded from the following website link.
The following activities have been organised:
This is a divulgative activity aimed at all audiences and free access that will consist of several stands where you can learn about antibiotics, the genome, neurodegenerative diseases, among others, all areas of research that are developed in the IBFG.
The timetable for this activity will be as follows:
• Friday 14th October 2022: 11-13.30 and 17.00-20.00
• Saturday 15th October 2022: 10.30-13.00
Contact person - Dra. Beatriz Santos -
Poster of the activity
Activity entitled "The microbial world in 90 mm: bacteria, fungi and their interactions" to be exhibited from 14 to 23 October 2022 at the Casa de las Conchas..
This is an open-access oriented exhibition where the beauty of the microbial world can be observed.
Visiting hours are from 9:00 to 21:00.
Contact person - Dra. Beatriz Santos -
Poster of the activity
News and radio interviews
Salud a Diario New
Biblioteca de Salamanca New
Radio USAL Link
Sala Prensa USAL New
Salamanca News
Tribuna de Salamanca New
Salamanca24horas New
Salamancartvaldia New
SEMicrobiología New
October, 2022
Dr. Marina García Macia has won the SEBBM Social Networks Award for the dissemination of her work in social networks.
September, 2022
Dr. Marina García Macia has won the prestigious International Society for Neurochemistry Young Scientist Lectureship Award and will give a talk at the ISN-APSN-2022 conference in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Click here to see the information about the talk
August, 2022
Dr. Beatriz Santos and Dr. Margarita Diaz have been awarded the First Prize for the best teaching initiative by the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM).
The initiative was entitled "Adopt a microorganism. Guided learning method with the use of bibliographic references" and was presented at the 5th Meeting of the SEM Teaching and Dissemination group on 14th and 15th, July 2022.
Click here to see the poster of the initiative as well as the presentation of the award to Dr. Santos.
July, 2022
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) will hold the 2nd International Symposium on Cell Division and Genome Dynamics on 27-28 October 2022.
This meeting will bring together leading scientists from around the world to discuss the latest advances in the field of Regulation of Cell Division (mitosis and meiosis) in connection with the processes of DNA Replication, DNA Damage Response, Meiotic Recombination, Nuclear Dynamics and Chromosome Segregation, and the implications for human health.
- Registration will open on June 30th, 2022.
- Abstract submission deadline: September 15th, 2022.
- Registration (without abstract submission) deadline: September 30th, 2022.
Since the number of participants is limited, we recommend early registration.
This meeting is mainly funded by an Internationalization Program of the Junta de Castilla y León, co-funded by the European Union (FEDER program), awarded to the IBFG (Ref. CL-EI-2021-08). The support of the University of Salamanca and the sponsorship of Fisher Scientific, Asensio BioTécnica, NZYTech, and SARSTEDT is also acknowledged.
Click here for more information on the symposium's website
Click here to see the poster of the symposium
July, 2022
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) has been considered as University Research Institute of the Junta de Castilla y León since 2014. The Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León (ACSUCyL) is currently evaluating us and will soon make a visit to the centre to ratify the merits alleged in the application submitted to obtain the renewal of accreditation.
The Agenda of the visit can be found at the following PDF:
July, 2022
Dr. Marina García Macia has won the Young Investigator Award of the European Society for Clinical Investigation in the category of "Exploratory Research Grants"..
June, 2022
Dr. Ángeles Almeida, IBFG researcher, explained the advances of her group at the Neurology Summit and Professor Juan Pedro Bolaños also participated in the forum.
June, 2022
La Gaceta de Salamanca Article
On May 12th, 2022, a conference was held in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall of Alba Tormes where students from the San Jerónimo School and the Faculty of Biology of the University of Salamanca presented the Microworld 2022 Project as well as the results generated.
May, 2022
On April 21, 2022, the closing ceremony of the Microworld Project 2022 was held in the auditorium of the Dióscorides Building, Faculty of Biology of the University of Salamanca.
April, 2022
La Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) ha desarrollado un vídeo sobre el proyecto Micromundo donde se impulsa la búsqueda de microorganismos productores de nuevos antibióticos.
Este proyecto está coordinado desde el IBFG y en el cual han participado estudiantes de la USAL y de 5 centros educativos salmantinos.
Abril, 2022
Dr. Juan Pedro Bolaños Hernández (Professor at the University of Salamanca and Researcher at the IBFG) has been recognized with the Castilla y León Award for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021. The jury unanimously agreed to award him "for the excellence and quality of his publications, which include some of the best scientific journals in the world, the international collaborations he has established and his future projection as an ambassador of the science of Castilla y León".
April, 2022
USAL Web Article
Junta de Castilla y León Web Article
La Gaceta de Salamanca Article
Salud a Diario Article
León Noticias Article
La Crónica de Salamanca Article
El Español CyL Article
ABC CyL Article
Noticias Salamanca Article
Diario de León Article
Diario de Valladolid Article
Diario de Burgos Article
Diario de Burgos Article
Agencia EFE Article
DGratis Article
InfoEspana Article
SEBBM Web Article
The IBFG supports the demands of the technical staff in defense of the development of the technical and management professional career. The future Science Law must take into account that this personnel is essential for the progress of science.
Marzo, 2022
Click here to see the poster
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) held at its headquarters the presentation of the Micromundo project to the media. It was attended by the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer of the University of Salamanca, José Miguel Mateos Roco; Mar Siles, Institutional Delegate of the CSIC in Castilla y León; Olga Calvo, Deputy Director of the IBFG; and Beatriz Santos, Coordinator of the Microworld Initiative.
Four IBFG researchers, 17 university students from the University of Salamanca and more than 100 students from five schools and institutes will participate in this edition with the aim of discovering new antibiotics.
April, 2022
Web link to Salud a Diario
Dr. Bolaños' group has achieved an important advance in the study of Batten disease, which has been published in Nature Communications, explaining a mechanism that degrades neurons and proposing a pharmacological strategy to prevent it. The work has been developed in a mouse model that will allow future clinical trials to be carried out.
January, 2022
USAL Press Article
Nature Communications Article
Pubmed Article DICYT Article
Salud a Diario Article
Delegación CyL CSIC Article
El Español CyL Article
Salamancartvaldia Artículo
Artículo en Web CIBERFES
Artículo en Web ConSalud
The Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) is participating in the 11F International Day of Women and Girls in Science initiative. The activities will take place between February 1 and 18. This year we will have face-to-face and online activities; some of them require prior registration.
1. Scientific Talks addressed to students from 3rdESO to 2nd Bachillerato
There will be two short talks each day, about 15 minutes each, on scientific advances made by women scientists in the field of neuroscience and crystallography. There will be time for questions from the audience.
- Neuroscientists: Advancing the Science of the Nervous System
Dra. Marina García & Dr. Rubén Quintana.
01/02/2022 - 12.00 am.
Registration Form
- Women in crystallography: Molecules photographed by women scientists
PhD Studentes Vanessa Dutra & Javier García.
10/02/2022 - 12.00 am.
Registration Form
This activity is aimed at students from 4th-6th grade of Primary School and will take place on February 9th at 12:00 noon in a telematic way.
It will be carried out and managed by the following researchers: Sara González, Marina García, Rubén Quintana, Vanessa Vanessa S. Dutra de Carvalho, María Delgado, Andrés Clemente and Olga Calvo.
Registration is required at the following link:
Registration Form
3. Online Scientific Conference
Dr. Nuria Flames, researcher at the Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV, CSIC), will telematically give a seminar for the university and scientific community on February 4, 2022 at 12:30 p.m., entitled "Transcriptional regulatory logic of cilium formation". "
Zoom link to participate in the seminar
1. Presentation of the book "Harassment. Me too in Spanish Science".
The author Ángela Bernardo will present her book at the Spanish-Japanese Cultural Center on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm. Admission is free until 75% of the capacity is reached due to health reasons.
1. Meet the Women Scientists Who Influenced IBFG Research
This activity will take place from February 2 to 18 and aims to disseminate in our social networks those women scientists who have influenced the research carried out at the IBFG.
February, 2022
The IBFG, a joint CSIC/USAL center, has received a grant to promote the internationalization of the structures of excellence from the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León. This call is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Resolution of the Call
January, 2022
The groups of Dr. Clemente-Blanco and Dr. Antequera have published an article in the journal "Cell Reports" in which they analyze the mechanisms of DNA break repair by homologous recombination using genomic sequencing.
Pubmed Article
USAL Press Article
DICYT Article
Salud a Diario Article
Salamancartvaldía Article
January, 2022