Cookies are archives that can be downloaded in your computer through the webpages. They are tools that have an essential role for the presentation of numerous services of the society of information. Among others, they allow a webpage to keep and recover information regarding the browsing habits of a user or a team and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognise the user and to improve the service offered.
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which cookies are sent and the data obtained, it is possible to distinguish two types of cookies:
- Own cookies.
- Third-party cookies.
There is also a second classification according to the period of time in which they remain stored in the client’s browser:
- Session cookies.
- Persistent cookies.
Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies depending on the purpose of the data obtained:
- Technical cookies.
- Personalisation cookies.
- Analysis cookies.
- Advertising cookies.
- Behaviour advertising cookies.
Guide of the use of the cookies of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Spanish only).
The IBFG website uses Google Analytics, the analytic tool that helps webpages and applications owners to understand the way in which their visitants interact with their properties. Cookies are used to gather information and to inform about the statistics of use of the websites without identifying personally the visitants of Google. More information about the cookies of Google Analytics and information on privacy.
For the promotion of the social media, cookies from Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are used to allow our visitants to follow us in those social media.
Likewise, cookies are used to preserve the state of the session of a user.
The Institute of Funcional Biology and Genomics assumes that you are accepting the use of the cookies. However, in the bottom of all pages in the portal will be shown a link about its Cookies Policy with the objective of making you aware of it.
Given this information, it is possible to take the following actions:
- Accept cookies: if the user clicks on “Accept”, this warning won’t be shown again when entering to any page of the portal.
- Revise the cookies policy: the user will be able to access to the present page, in which the use of the cookies is detailed, as well as to links to modify the configuration of the browser
You can restrict, block or delete the cookies of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) or any other webpage using your browser. Each browser has a different operating, the function “Help” will explain you how to do it.